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FM Approvals (FM), a division of FM Global, provides third-party testing and certification services. FM Approval certification differs from other well-known insulation industry fire safety test, standards, and requirements such as ASTM E84, UL 723, NFPA 90A/90B, and the International Mechanical Code® Listing and Labeling requirement.

FM Approval provides commercial and industrial building owners with the assurance that products and services employed in their facilities are safe after undergoing rigorous loss prevention testing and meeting internationally recognized and respected standards. Additionally, ongoing surveillance audits of manufacturing facilities are required to maintain FM Approved certification.

AEROFLEX EPDM[TM] falls under FM Category, Class of Work, 4924 Pipe and Duct Insulation. Aeroflex USA manufactures AEROFLEX-EP in the USA. EP is FM Approved for the USA and available in tubes, sheets, and rolls in a wide range of pipe sizes (tubes) and thicknesses (tubes, sheets & rolls). Approved tubes are available in standard unslit and pre-slit self-seal formats; approved sheets and rolls are available with and without a pressure-sensitive adhesive back (PSA).

The AEROFLEX-EP FM Approval ID is PR465702 and can be located on the FM Approval Guide website here. Please be aware that you must register for complimentary access to the Approval Guide. For your convenience, below is a screenshot of AEROFLEX-EP approved for the USA:

Aeroflex USA

To request an AEROFLEX-EP technical data sheet, please contact us through our website here. We monitor and respond to site requests daily. For inquiries that require an immediate response, please contact Customer Service at 866-237-6235.


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