Professional-grade rubber contact adhesive for sealing seams of AEROFLEX EPDM™ insulations. REF-1520 provides fast tack times in as little as 1-5 minutes on line temperatures up to 257°F (125°C). Can also be used to adhere sheet and roll insulation directly to mechanical heating and cooling equipment including tanks and the inside and outside and outside of metal ducts when operating temperatures are 200°F (93°C) or below.
Available in the following colors & sizes:
Colors - Amber and Black
Sizes - Gallon, quart, pint (flat-top), pint (brush-top), 1/2 pint (brush-top)
• Strong, reliable bonds to insulation and substrates
• Fast tack -- sets up in 1 to 5 minutes, depending on jobsite conditions
• Easy to apply with a brush or adhesive roller
• Moisture resistant – maintains superior integrity of AEROFLEX EPDM™ insulation
• Protects piping and equipment by reducing the potential of corrosion under insulation (CUI)
Refrigeration piping & equipment
HVAC and VRF piping & equipment
HVAC ductwork
Chilled water piping & equipment
Plumbing piping & equipment
Service Temperature Range: -20°F (-29°C) to +257°F (+125°C)
Coverage: approximately 200 ft2/gal
Tack Time: 1-5 minutes (tacky to the touch)
Application Temperature Range: from 40°F (4°C ) and to 100°F (38°C)
Fire Safety: 0/0
Dry Time: 36 hours
Shelf Life: 1 year
VOC content: 615 g/L